AI Resources Hub to Explore, Learn, and Grow

xplore our treasure trove of free AI resources, designed for both newcomers and experts. We’re constantly adding more to fuel your AI journey.

Richard Batt YouTube Channel

Dive into Richard Batt’s YouTube channel for a wealth of AI-related content, including live courses and insightful tutorials tailored for AI enthusiasts of all levels.

Prompt Engineer Training Course

Join Richard Batt’s free prompt engineer training course, delivered through live sessions. This course is designed to equip you with the skills needed to excel in prompt engineering, a key aspect of AI development.

Productive AI Podcast Coming Soon

Stay tuned for the launch of The Productive AI Podcast, where we’ll discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in AI with industry experts.

More AI Resources on the Way

Keep an eye on this space! We’re always working to bring more resources and tools to help you advance in the field of AI.